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Bubu, can I buy this as a physical tape?

Yes, the factory is at full capacity ;)  Go to the order form and please serve yourself. Thanx, @Eskimosound

Fantastic - saw this mentioned on Facebook and paid to download. Thank you for such a great version of the game and you've nailed the colour clash! Brilliant!

Thanx a lot for your support and your words, @andifield. This game has been developed by a companion, Artonapilos. I'm the producer and then offical distributor :)   but that's true, it's an incredible game.

Awesome work. Congratulations!

Thanks, but the hard work is thanx to Artonapilos, a new developer in the ZX Spectrum scene. I'm only the producer.   :)

Does the game save high scores?

Sorry, nop. Developer told me that this game takes up all the 48KB RAM memory available, there's only 4 bytes remaining free.

Hi there,

I’d like to invite you to join a co-op bundle on! It's called Venturing 2025, and I think it could be a great opportunity for us to collaborate and reach more players.

Venturing 2025 -

Got it.
Man, this looks and feel awesome!

bought, you deserve it.

A great version of Donkey Kong! Haven't you thought about using AY's music in the game?

An excellent Donkey Kong worthy of our beloved Spectrum. Congratulations!